Some days you don’t want to drive far, and when that happens you just pick the closest hike to your house. On this particular Saturday that was Brushy Creek Regional Trail in Cedar Park.

I drove the 12 minutes north and was honestly a little bummed when I got there — it was just a park in the suburbs. My heart already wasn’t in it that particular day, and watching a bunch of families with strollers and bicycles and dogs on leashes just didn’t do it for me.
I promised myself I’d go at least halfway down the path, so I put on BrenĂ© Brown’s interview with Dolly Parton & got moving. It put me in a good enough mood as I made my way down the hill and over the dam.
After about a mile I was feeling really good, almost finally enjoying myself.
And then … it started raining.

First it was just a drizzle. And then it was a full on shower. I regretted not having a jacket with me. I regretted being there. But, I kept walking. Because this challenge is supposed to push me and get me out of my comfort zone.
In total, I walked just under 3 miles. It was all the energy I could muster. I was cold and wet and unmotivated.