Austin Trails

#6 – Mayfield Park and Preserve

My first solo hike after the new year was the Mayfield Park and Preserve right in the middle of Austin. I had a cup of Juiceland in hand and a backpack full of pens and journals.

My plan was to hike to a comfortable spot, then sit down and write my 2021 goals.

While I did eventually do just that, this little area in the middle of the city kept me entertained and challenged way more than I expected.

Like almost every other hike, there came a moment in time where I had to cross a stream and my only option was to balance on rocks or wade through.

My biggest challenge has been – and is continuing to be – getting across rocks sitting in water. I get across them, but it’s never pretty.

In total, this hike ended up being only a little over 2 miles, but I was in the park for nearly 4 hours. At the end, I did find a rock to sit on, overlooking Lake Austin, and I spent a good, long time writing and thinking.

I loved this park. The peacocks were just a bonus attraction.